Friday, May 25, 2012

Why I'm voting NO

So with the Fiscal Compact Treaty Referendum this week I'd just like to say why I'm voting No and also hopefully convince you likewise.

  • ESM Funding: This is the main reason being given by the Yes side to vote yes. Basically they claim that we need to ratify this treat in order to access bailout funds in the future from the new European Stability Mechanism. But if a second bailout is necessary we have until April 2013 to claim from is predecessors, the Financial Stability Mechanism(EFSM) and  Financial Stability Facility(EFSF). Not to mention a huge chunk of these bailout funds are being used to service the Irish banking sectors debts which the Irish Government took on during the collapse of the Banking sector. This is an area where the ECB has a lot of vested interest, so they wouldn't want to deny Rescue Funds for fear that Ireland would default on these debts.

    The inclusion of ESM funding into this Fiscal Treaty is nothing but an attempt to bully countries into ratifying it by putting a gun to their heads. Though voting Yes will not even give us the right to this funding, only the right to apply. The idea though that emergency funds would be denied because of a No vote though is nonsense. As Michael Taft has pointed out the granting of Emergency Funds will be decided on what ensures the stability of the Euro, not the result of this referendum.

    Basically a Yes vote wont guarantee ESM Funding any more than a No vote.

  • Austerity: Voting No will not stop the current Austerity being pursued by the Irish Government. The posters by the likes of the ULA are completely misleading when they say things like "Vote No to stop Water and Household Charges". Its nothing but electioneering on their part and they ought to be ashamed about the way they have run this campaign so far. Neither will voting Yes make the Austerity we are facing in the next few years any worse for that matter. This is about the future.

    By linking a country's Debt Celling to GDP it means that the next time Ireland finds itself in a recession it will be forced to impose Austerity in order to balance its budget in line with conditions within this Treaty(ie Deficit of less than 3% of GDP and overall debt bellow 60% of GDP). This German ideal of balanced budgets just is not going to work for the Irish Economy. It also will do nothing to prevent the kind of reckless actions pursued by the Fianna Fáil Government, as despite their low taxes and high spending the strong growth of the Irish Economy during that time meant they would of never violated these conditions had they been in place. Where this will come into play is when the economy is weak.

    Since Franklin D Roosevelt the common sense approach to recession has been Government stimulus to compensate for the lack activity in the economy. This is in line with John Maynard Keynes' attitudes to perusing Expansionary Fiscal Policy to achieve economic growth to, though the Fiscal Treaty will effectively rule this out as an option for countries.

    Aren't these things already in place though? Yes, through the EU's Sixpack agreement countries must reduce their budget deficit to 3% of GDP and national debt to 60% of GDP. Thats why the Government is imposing its current austerity agenda, to bring us in line with those figures. The fact is though, that its not working. The Fiscal Treaty will make sure that countries follow this Austerity Agenda, failing to do so will result in fines being imposed on dissenting countries.

    On top of it not being Economically viable, Austerity also hurts communities and the most vulnerably in our society. We cannot let it become enshrined into European Law.

  • Going Against the rest of Europe: All across the EU recently, when the people have being given the choice, they have rejected Austerity. It has recently been seen in the collapse of Pro-Austerity Governments in France, Greece, Romania and German states of  North Rhine-
    Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein. Now it is Ireland turn to say No to the neoliberal agenda being pursued by the EU.

    Nobel Prize wining economist Paul Krugman has pointed out time and time again how flawed the EU's policies towards the finical and debt crisis have been. Now though there is a sign of change, growth and expansionary policies are for the first time starting to be put on the agenda. A Yes vote will signal Ireland's willing to go on with the status quo of endless cuts in an attempt to maybe possible make our economy more attractive for private investment.

    A No vote though will show that Ireland has had enough, it will show that we can't wait for private investment. We need direct and public stimulus of our economy now if we want to return to growth. This platform is gradually making its way onto the European agenda, its time we as a country throw our full weight behind this charge. So lets say NO to the status quo.

This is why I'm voting No. Its not about saying yes or no to Europe, is about the kind of Europe you want to see. The Irish people should follow their fellow Europeans in giving this kind of Europe a resounding NO.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Article for the Terenure College Annual

Getting our Leaving Certificate Results at World Youth Day!
Sean Glennon, Class 2011

Through Terenure College the Order of the Carmelites has guided thousands of young people through their values of Community, Prayer and Service. The Carmelites educated me for 10 years in Terenure College, and then in August 2011, after finishing my Leaving Certificate, I had the privilege of joining them, as part of the Carmelite Youth Ministry’s pilgrimage to World Youth Day in Madrid.

World Youth Day is an amazing event. It’s a gathering of young Catholics from all across the world in a massive celebration of faith. In 2011 it was held in Madrid with an estimated two million young people travelling to the city to take part. 35 of these pilgrims made up the Irish Carmelite group.

We arrived Saturday evening and spent the next two days preparing for the coming week and reflecting on what the following days would mean to us and our faith, as well as exploring the beautiful city of Madrid and getting to know each other over a few pints. It was an amazing experience to walk around the city, as it filled with young people, and being stopped constantly for photos or just a chat all because we were Irish. It’s nice to know as a Nation we are still universally loved by the world. It was not until Tuesday evening that we gathered in the city-centre for the opening mass proceeded over by the Archbishop of Madrid. The streets were packed with over a million people as we sat amongst dozens of other nationalities.

The following day was one of the most important as we gathered in a school in suburban Madrid with fellow Carmelites who had also made the journey to Madrid for World Youth Day (it also happened to be the day that myself and two of my classmates Cathal Kerins and Pierce Kehoe all got our Leaving Cert results!). This day allowed us reflect on the Carmelite Charism of Community, Prayer and Service. As someone of had spent 10 years around members of the Carmelite Order these values have come to mean a lot to me. Any student of Terenure College will be aware that the Carmelites live together as a Community, students also feel that by attending Terenure College they too are part of this Carmelite family as they join the Order in celebrating, practicing and developing their faith. As a group in Madrid prayer was a central part of our week. Every morning we would come together in prayer before we carried on with the day, this for me made travelling with Carmelites by far the best way to experience World Youth Day. Finally, Service as part of the Carmelite Charism is a fundamental part of our Christian faith. We see it best in Ireland through the education they give in Terenure but also in community work done in Whitefriar Street and by Carmelite communities across Ireland.

Thursday was the arrival of Pope Benedict XVI. Once again we gathered in the city centre with our fellow Catholics to hear his welcoming and message to young people who had come to Madrid. Most memorable was the time we spent waiting for him to arrive as we joined in the street party that had erupted with dancing and music provided by an Angolan group of pilgrims. Though the Pope’s words were moving and inspired greatly the crowd of young followers of Christ, the following morning was one of the most enjoyable for me as we assembled in a stadium with thousands of other English speakers for Catechesis sessions and to celebrate Mass by Archbishop of New York, Tim Dolan. He gave an amazing (and also very humorous at times) homily that I’m sure no one there will soon forget.

The Saturday saw us leave our wonderful apartment to travel to the Aerodrome for the nightlong Vigil with the Pope. In a very biblical scene the Pope gave his message to 2 million young adults as the night sky was lit up by thunder and we sheltered from the rain under our tricolours (this was after we had a week of nothing but blue skies and 40 degree temperatures). Though the next morning unfortunately we all decided to leave before the Pope’s closing Mass, we all attended Mass in the city together and then gathered back at our apartment to look back on our experiences during the week. It had been an amazing and powerful experience for us all. We had all come to Madrid at different levels of our faith, though left with a common experience.

The Carmelite Youth Ministry is now preparing for our Recife relief mission and pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2013 in Rio, it will be not only a celebration of faith but also two weeks of giving back and service to our fellow human beings. Finally, I’d like to thank Marie Ward for organising the trip, Fr. Dermot Kelly, Br. James Eivers, Br. Dave Twohig and all the other Carmelites who travelled with us and also the Carmelite community in Terenure College for all their support.